Glucerna Triple Care for Diabetes? Abbott Nutrition Review

High blood sugar, pre-diabetes, and diabetes are increasing throughout the world, especially in Asia and the developing world. We are overeating refined carbohydrates, processed meats, and sugar as well.

If you are concerned about having pre-diabetes or diabetes and is seeking ways to feel full, with steady energy release and a happier mood, read on and find out more!

Besides cutting down on smoking, and reducing meat and sugar intake, we should also take more low-sugar supplements for our meals instead.

Simple ways to combat diabetes:-

  • Cut Smoking
  • Regular physical activities
  • Eat less sweet food, refined carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, etc)
  • Eat less meat

Is Glucerna Triple Care powder (GTC) designed to help for managing diabetes, one of the leading chronic diseases in Singapore and the Asia Pacific? Let us look at the ingredients, details, and reviews.  

GTC is a product that supports dietary and weight management in people with diabetes. These milk products are designed to contain key nutrients to support dietary and BMI (body mass index), as well as improve blood sugar control in individuals with diabetes.

Diabetes – Manage life with less sugar, more happiness

It is one of the more established and reputed products in the Abbott family of milk products for adults and the elderly, with peer-reviewed studies.

Diabetes or Pre Diabetes can improve their life with Diet Management

A large part of diabetes management has to do with diet, as pre-diabetes or diabetes patients possess a high level of sugar in their blood (hyperglycemia). If not, they may suffer from health complications such as

  1. High blood pressure
  2. Health problems leading to stroke
  3. Skin complications
  4. Kidney failure
  5. Risk of Heart Disease
  6. and other complications that are unpleasant.

Consult your doctor or professional medical personnel to choose the right lifestyle, and diet for better control of diabetes. All information on this website is provided for general reading and may differ as you may have different health statuses.

Managing Diabetes-specific Diet Balanced Nutrition

People with diabetes condition would be pleased to know that Abbott Nutrient’s GTC works well as a health supplement and a meal replacement for diabetes, providing essential vitamins and minerals. 

Carbohydrates are a specific concern because the body converts carbohydrates into glucose (sugar). When you have food that has a high amount of carbohydrates that are digested quickly, such as sweet desserts, and sugary beverages such as soda, your glucose spikes up.

spread of fruits and healthy delicious food
spread of fruits and healthy delicious food

GTC contains complex carbohydrates that are less likely to be digested fast and high spike in your blood sugar level. It has a lower glycemic index and less sugar. Instead of a snack or a sugary beverage, replacing them with GTC beverages will lead to health benefits and fewer diabetes symptoms.

Glucerna may help complement Your Diet

For general health and well-being, you need to know carbohydrates are converted into glucose in your body. Hence food that the body processes more slowly is better for our good health. This is especially so for diabetes and prediabetes sufferers.

This food that is processed slowly by our bodies is known as Low Glycemic Index (GI) food. Here are some low glycemic index (low GI) food that is healthy and diabetes-friendly:

  • brown rice
  • whole wheat
  • pasta
  • fruit (except pineapple and melon)
  • non-starchy vegetables

Glucerna for diabetes is scientifically formulated to support dietary needs of diabetes and support the management of blood glucose levels in individuals with diabetes. A registered dietitian can help users plan and handle their diabetes management plan to reach their health goals.

Glucerna-Chew Chor Meng Supports
Glucerna-Chew Chor Meng Supports

For holistic management, it would be best to balance your diet with low-GI foods, using products like Glucerna only occasionally.

For type 2 diabetes, you would also find the protein in Glucerna products as a helpful supplement. Not only does protein satisfy hunger long, hence reducing the need to eat more carbohydrates, and protein also does not raise your blood sugar.

Most of us need about 46 – 56 grams of protein in our daily requirements. You can get protein from your food such as beans, peas, meat, and fish. You may also turn to Glucerna to supplement your protein needs.

Glucerna Products are Clinically Tested- Nutrition Facts

Glucerna helps users with steady energy release, this helps in managing their diet and weight in managing diabetes and prediabetes.

This milk is an advanced specialized nutrition formulated to manage weight and reduce cardiovascular risks. Do note to manage holistically with a proper overall diet plan and an exercise regime.

It has been clinically proven to provide 3 key benefits for people with prediabetes or diabetes:

  • Maintains good blood glucose levels
  • Manage Cardiovascular health for a healthy heart.
  • Used as weight-loss meal supplement for people to manage their body mass index

Glucerna Original Liquid, Glucerna Triple Care 850g powder, 1.5KCal, Mini Treats, Snack Bars

Glucerna shakes and bars are part of diabetes management and provide balanced nutrition. These can be nutritional shakes that can be used as a meal replacement to support diabetes management. Glucerna bars for diabetics or mini treats are a convenient snack option for individuals.

Glucerna products contain specific nutritional ingredients such as maltodextrin, sucromalt, maltitol, fructo-oligosaccharides, phylloquinone, lecithin, taurine, soy oil, of 28 vitamins and minerals. Additionally, these are low in saturated fat and include vitamin A palmitate and potassium to support optimal health.

Here are some Glucerna® milk products available in Singapore

  1. GTC 850g milk powder (also available in 400g tin cans)
  2. Glucerna Original Liquid Tin Can 250ml
  3. Glucerna  RTD Packs
  4. Glucerna Plus 1.5kcal 220ml 
  5. Glucerna Milk Shake
  6. Glucerna Snack Bars (Not sold in Singapore yet)
  7. Glucerna Mini Treats (Not sold in Singapore yet)

Glucerna Products- Powder, Liquid tin cans, or RTD Packs

Here are some details and specifications for you to note for GTC Powder in 850g

  • Each serving contains 225 calories
  • To manage blood sugar response, it has an advanced, slowly digested, low-GI carbohydrate system.
  • To support heart health, it has a unique heart-friendly liqid blend rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids).
  • To reduce weight and waistline, it has a combination of key ingredients, including FOS (Fructooligosaccharides)
  • There are a total of 32 vitamins and minerals in Glucerna milk powder

The homemade vanilla flavor is a popular choice amongst individuals with diabetes, providing a delicious and complete, and balanced nutrition option. Glucerna Hunger Smart is another popular choice, as it promotes satiety and the feeling of fullness for longer periods of time. 

Overall, these provide a convenient and effective way to support diabetes management and help to improve blood glucose control through balanced nutrition and healthy body support. You can get at prices lower than retail price – Glucerna Triple Care 850g can

Or if you prefer carton of 24 cans (Ready to Drink) that are easy to open and ready-to-drink- Glucerna Liquid with Fiber

Substitutes comparing Nestle Nutren Diabetes and Diben to Glucerna

Also, there are Nestle substitutes like Nutren Diabetes Liquid or powder form and Fresubin Diben if you prefer Nutren or Diben for tastes, price preference, etc.

Nutren is available in vanilla while Fresubin Diben DRINK (200ml) is available in 5 flavors

  • Apricot-Peach
  • Cappuccino
  • Forest Berries
  • Praliné
  • Vanilla

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