What To Do When An Elderly Falls

We now know that we can prevent falling through the steps that I have shared. However, even the most cautious person can get into an accident which is why I am going to share the best and most effective step to do when an elder fall.

There might be a time when the elder will be alone which is why it is crucial to inform them of these steps so that they know what to do in the case of such events.

However, if the elderly person has dementia or a related illness, make sure that there is always someone with them; be it a caretaker, nurse, or relative. If there is no one around, follow these steps to avoid major injuries and serious medical conditions.

We will be explaining these steps from the point of view as the elderly.

Do not panic. Assess the situation and keep calm.

First, calm yourself and properly assess the situation. If you are not sure what to do, avoid unnecessary actions and call someone who knows.

If you are not hurt and are strong enough to get up, do not get up too quickly. Roll onto your hands and knees and look for a stable piece of furniture, such as a chair or bed, to hold for support.

Reach stable furniture for support.

Reach stable furniture for support, then take a deep breath and slowly get up when you are ready. Seek medical advice if needed. Sit down and rest for a while before carrying on with your daily activities.

However, if you are unable to get up, try to crawl or slide to seek help. This is the importance of assistive devices like security poles, grab bars and medical alarm systems to reach out.

If a telephone is installed in the bathroom or you can access a cellphone, call someone for help. If they are not available or in the area of the incident then, yelling for help is the last resort.

Keep calm until help arrives.

Make yourself warm

Keep warm by wrapping yourself in a blanket and making yourself comfortable while waiting for help.

Check for head injury

Make sure to check for head injury and do not get up or move since head injuries can be life-threatening.

For a minor head injury, you may use your first aid kit at home.

An ice pack wrapped in a towel for about 30 minutes helps to bring down swelling and works to relieve pain but in the case of a serious head injury like bleeding or a blackout, make sure to call medical personnel to assess the situation and make an appointment to visit the doctor.

Go to the nearest Hospital

If you fall and are injured, make sure to visit the hospital or get someone to bring you. Even a simple fall can be life-threatening so it is critical to visit the hospital even if you are not bleeding.

It is important to be assessed in the right way and see if there are other issues to be concerned about.

Final Words

In this day and age, more and more seniors are making the choice to live within the familiarity and comfort of their homes. In the past, this has been a risky and uncertain decision but now, it has become a viable and financially practical option.

By employing assistive care and many other safety measures that are commonly offered in nursing homes, seniors can fill the gaps in ensuring safety, necessary support, and convenience while meeting their unique needs and budget.

Choosing to stay at home is a decision to be proud of as it equates to grace, dignity, and independence.

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