Probiotics and Prebiotics differences and health benefits reviews

Probiotics and Prebiotics differences and health benefits reviews

Are you aware of Probiotics and Prebiotics differences and benefits? There are huge benefits that people missed out from prebiotics. While the general public is aware of probiotics and health benefits, not many people are aware of the equally important prebiotics and the differences. Probiotics are “live or active” cultures, such as good bacteria that we derived health benefits. Prebiotics are the “food” for probiotics, probiotics digest the prebiotics and are maintained at a healthy level for the human body.

What are probiotics and their health benefits?

Probiotics are live bacteria that can be found in yogurt, cultured drinks, other dairy products, and supplements pills. Probiotics have been shown effective in managing certain gastrointestinal conditions, and aid in digestive health and general well being. In short – probiotics are useful and necessary for good health Some problems associated with not enough probiotics are

  • digestive disorders
  • frequent flu, colds,
  • skin problems,
  • candida (bad breath) and
  • autoimmune disease.

Most probiotics come from fresh food and fermented food in our diet. Society tends to ferment food a lot to stop excess surplus food from spoiling, and keeping it for later eating. However, with modern refrigeration, we have been eating less and less fermented food. Modern food process also tends to use excess practices to kill all types of bacteria, rendering even fewer probiotics in our modern food. We suggest eating more fermented food such as cultured yogurt, cheese to add probiotics to your diet. You should also eat more prebiotics to increase your prebiotics level. This is useful as prebiotics is easier to supplement, unlike probiotics which require some form of way to preserve the life of the probiotics. Prebiotics also helps to improve your health more.

  • Some reviews health benefits with more probiotics in your life :
  • Weight Loss
  • Improve digestion and better toileting
  • Less or no more leaky gut and inflammatory bowel disease
  • Nicer and better breath from the absence of candida because of probiotics
  • healthier skin
  • Less incidents of cold and flu
  • Higher Vitamin B12 production, higher energy level
  • It is a no- brainer to enrich your diet with probiotics rich food, in fact, you should eat a wide variety as a different type of probiotics offer a different type of good bacteria that is healthy. These are some good bacteria: ‘Good’ Bacteria for health benefits review
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum
  • Bacillus subtilis
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus bulgarius
  • Lactobacillus reuteri
  • Streptococcus thermophilus
  • Saccharomyces boulardii
  • What are some good sources of probiotics food?
  • Yogurt
  • Cultured drinks
  • sauerkraut
  • miso soup
  • fermented soft cheeses
  • sourdough bread
  • What are probiotics’ disadvantages?
  • As you might have guessed, probiotics and good bacteria are fragile, they are easily destroyed by heat or stomach acid. Our treatment of food, with excessive heat, may have rendered most food without any probiotic. There are some who do not eat dairy food regularly, due to habits or preferences, and their stomach is not used to digesting such probiotics rich food. Everyone is also different and some may require more of a certain good bacteria compared to another, that makes different food ideal for some, and not useful for another. In other words, it may be difficult to obtain the best probiotics food for you individually and is able to endure heat and your stomach acid to benefit you.
  • What are prebiotics and its advantages?
  • Prebiotic, in summary, is the food for probiotics and allow probiotics to flourish in your body. Prebiotic is a type of plant fiber that allows existing good bacteria in your gut to feed on and to grow so that the good bacteria ratio improves. This good bacteria gut balance in your digestive system has been proven to be related to overall health and general well being. You will enjoy all the health benefits of probiotics from eating rich prebiotic food or supplement. Prebiotics has been linked to a strengthened immune system, increased bone density, better weight control, and a healthy appetite and regular bowel movement and toileting.
  • How does Prebiotic work?
  • The colon has been neglected in the study of the human body and not understood for its contribution to overall human wellness. Doctors have thought the colon is only responsible for disposing of wastes and not much else. The past 20 years, doctors have discovered that colon is home to an incredibly diverse group of bacterias that are essential for overall health. The good bacteria helps to improve nutrient and mineral absorption, strengthen the bowel wall, and helps in regulating hormone production that aids in mental health, and other useful benefits. We now understand that probiotic is in here and helps to promote good health. Now we also learned that regular eating of prebiotic plant fiber feed these probiotics and increases the reproduction of good bacteria and slow down and reduce the increase of bad, harmful bacteria. Science has shown us that prebiotic is so important to our well being. When you have sufficient good bacteria, not only does your physical health benefit, hormones responsible for your mental health gives you better emotions and happier mental being. You will have better weight control as you feel well-fed and full.
  • Prebiotics linked to good mental health
  • As a bonus, your body does not digest these plant fiber and does not add calories to your diet. These plant fibers only aid in the growth of good bacteria ratio to support digestive and health benefits. Studies have revealed that people with good daily prebiotics diet have a healthier level of mental health, with fewer issues in anxiety depression and stress. They have a low level of cortisol, which is a hormone that links directly to mental health problems. Prebiotics are also not easily damaged by heat nor stomach acid. It is far easier to eat and get the full benefit of prebiotics, either in more vegetables and fruits or via supplementary forms. The body itself does not digest these plant fibers. Instead, it uses these fibers to promote the growth of many of the good bacteria in the gut. These, in turn, provide many digestive and general health benefits. Recent studies have also shown prebiotics and good bacterial gut balance play a direct role in mental health. Individuals who consume prebiotics on a daily basis have fewer issues with anxiety, depression, and stress. In fact, when their saliva was tested, it contained lower levels of cortisol. High levels of this hormone have been linked directly to mental health disorders.
  • Prebiotic food source list
  • There are plenty of different prebiotic fiber from food such as vegetables, fruits, etc.
  • banana
  • celery
  • skin of apple
  • onions
  • garlic
  • leeks
  • beans and legumes
  • papaya
  • spinach
  • antichoke
  • chicory roots
  • asparagus
  • oatmeal
  • Unfortunately, the amount of fiber per serving of these food, is very small. It is only roughly 1 or 2 gram per serving and is not sufficient for most of us on a normal diet. This would be worse for people who have too little fruits and vegetables in their daily routine. Hence this is where you may prefer to add well rounded prebiotic food supplement to your diet. A supplement prebiotics drink would be easy to drink in the morning or at the evening just before sleep and let your body probiotics feast on the prebiotic plant fiber. Just add water or your favorite beverage!
  • Do I take prebiotics together with probiotics?
  • Some of want the full course of holistic diet and want both prebiotics and probiotics together, yes you can! You can take a healthy dose of yogurt with lots of fruits and plant fiber or prebiotics supplement. Together they are safe and good for you.
  • Can I take prebiotics alone?
  • Yes, you can too! Your body has a natural amount of probiotics, and you can have a good healthy dose of prebiotics supplement on your own to feed these probiotic existing in your body.
  • When is the best time to eat probiotics or prebiotics?
  • Regularly, daily. Take them consistently and regularly. For example, if you take prebiotics supplement before bed, then take it every day at the same situation – just before bed, for the best effects. You want your body to have a steady, expected flow of nutrients. You may also take prebiotics supplement with a meal, as they are rich with plant and fruit fibers, which makes you fuller and satisfied. This is very useful for people who are watching their weight. It helps to have a diet and lose weight with prebiotics as part of your meal since there are no extra calories added yet you feel full!

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