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Dementia Day Care: Promoting Well-being and Independence

Dementia Day Care Centre Singapore

Caring for a loved one with dementia can be challenging, but you are not alone. At times, it may seem like you are the only one who understands what your loved one is going through.

But, there is hope and help available. Dementia day care centres provide specialized care to elderly individuals who have cognitive impairment and require assistance in daily activities of daily living (ADLs).

In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about dementia daycare – from warning signs of dementia, the role of caregivers in dementia daycare, and essential features of dementia daycare centres to support products for dementia care.

We will also guide you on how to avail of dementia daycare services and what to consider before enrolling your loved one.

Join us as we explore how these centres can provide essential support for both caregivers and patients alike.

What is a Dementia Day Care?

A dementia daycare is a specialized facility that provides support and care for individuals with dementia. It offers a safe and engaging social environment, incorporating activities to stimulate mental functions.

These centres also give caregivers ease while providing additional services like transportation and nursing care.

The Importance of Specialized Care for Dementia Patients

Specialized care for individuals with dementia addresses their unique needs, delays cognitive and physical decline, and offers psychological support.

What are the Warning Signs of Dementia?

Warning signs of dementia include memory loss, difficulty performing familiar tasks, confusion, changes in mood or behaviour, and difficulties with language and decision-making. If you notice these signs in a loved one, it could be indicative of dementia.

The Role of Caregivers in Dementia Day Care

Caregivers provide crucial support to dementia clients, helping with ADLs, personal care, emotional support, and healthcare coordination.

Challenges Faced by Caregivers

Caring for someone with dementia can be physically and mentally straining, while also challenging to balance personal life.

Caregivers may experience social isolation and struggle to manage psychological symptoms. Coping with a loved one’s deterioration adds to the difficulty.

Support Available for Caregivers

Caregivers can find rest care at dementia day care centres and access additional services like nursing care and occupational therapy.

Government subsidies are available to help with the cost. Support groups and counselling services are also available.

What Makes a Good Dementia Day Care Centre?

  • A good dementia daycare centre ensures the safety and security of clients by providing a secure environment.
  • Individualized care plans are developed to meet the unique needs of each dementia patient.
  • The centre offers various stimulating activities to promote mental functions and social engagement during their golden years.
  • Convenient transport services are also provided
  • service fees are determined through national means testing.

Essential Features of Dementia Day Care Centres

Dementia day care centres have dedicated and trained staff to provide specialized care for individuals with dementia.

Reality orientation activities are incorporated to help clients maintain a connection to their surroundings and promote a sense of reality.

Recreational activities such as music therapy, art therapy, and reminiscence therapy are offered to enhance well-being and combat feelings of loneliness.

These centres also organize social activities to foster social interaction among clients. In some cases, residential dementia care services may be available, providing overnight care and support.

What are Day Care Activities for Dementia Patients?

Daycare activities for individuals with dementia encompass a range of cognitive, physical, creative, social, and sensory exercises.

These activities aim to stimulate mental functions, enhance mobility and well-being, foster creativity and accomplishment, encourage socialization, and engage the senses for relaxation.

Essential Support Products for Dementia Care

Providing essential support for dementia care includes orientation aids, personal care products, safety measures, memory aids, and communication tools. Here are some recommended products to help the elderly with dementia:

The Esmond Natural Lecithin (Non-GMO) & Cantley LifeCare TriOCare Supplements

The Esmond Natural Lecithin (Non-GMO) & Cantley LifeCare TriOCare Supplements are powerful nutritional supplements that enhance brain function and reduce the risk of Dementia.

They contain essential vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, choline, and vitamin E, which support cognitive health and prevent age-related decline in mental abilities.

Regular intake improves memory, mood, and overall brain health. These safe and non-toxic supplements are an excellent choice for boosting cognitive performance.

Adult Velcro Finger Control Mitts

Dementia patients may exhibit self-harming behaviours like skin picking or removing IV tubes. They may engage in actions like cutting themselves or biting their nails due to frustration.

To address this issue, gently retraining the patient’s hands can be beneficial. Using Adult Velcro Finger Control mitts or gloves is recommended.

These soft and cushioned mitts act as a protective barrier between the patient’s fingernails and their body, redirecting their energy and helping them resist the urge to harm themselves.

Hua Hee Snap & Match Card Game

Dementia patients can benefit from playing Hua Hee Snap and Hua Hee Match card games. These games improve cognitive function, memory recall, and social skills.

Hua Hee Snap is fast-paced, where players match cards with similar images. Hua Hee Match involves matching pairs of cards with identical pictures, improving visual recognition and memory skills.

They are easy to learn and provide hours of entertainment for dementia patients. Caregivers and family members can also bond and create positive experiences together through these games.

How to Avail Dementia Day Care Services?

To avail of dementia day care services, caregivers can reach out to the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) for assistance.

An initial assessment by a medical social worker determines eligibility for subsidies and additional services.

Caregivers can choose a suitable dementia daycare centre based on location, services offered, and personal preferences, such as the NTUC Health Senior Day Care in Toa Payoh.

Enrolment involves submitting necessary documents to the chosen centre, with caregivers advised to inquire about additional charges and service fees beforehand.

Dementia Day Care Cost

Dementia day care services cost differently depending on the centre and level of care. The costs range from $1,100 to $1,606 per month at NTUC, and between $1,276 and $1,562 per month at Care Corner before government subsidy.

The Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) estimated a cost range of $1,260 to $1,575 per month without transport and additional services. Government subsidies are available to reduce expenses.

What Should You Know Before Enrolling Your Loved One?

In conclusion, if you’re thinking about dementia daycare for your loved one, it’s important to check the environment and care quality.

Ask about the staff-to-client ratio, services offered, and daily routine. Ensure that the centre is accredited and has a good reputation. Share your loved one’s medical needs with the staff.

Dementia daycare provides specialized support for patients in a safe and stimulating environment. Caregivers also need support to maintain their well-being.

When choosing a dementia daycare centre, look for trained staff, individualized care plans, and a supportive atmosphere.

Find out the costs and details before enrollment. Dementia daycare can improve life quality for patients and caregivers alike.

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