
Understanding Blood Pressure Readings with Blood Pressure Monitor

High blood pressure is often called the “silent killer”.  Why is that? According to Singapore’s Health Promotion Board, many people with high blood pressure may not know they have it.

Often the signs and symptoms are misunderstood or ignored. Not only does it harm you directly, but it is also the onset of other critical illnesses as well.

Why is high blood pressure bad for our health?

High blood pressure (HBP, or hypertension) has no obvious symptoms to indicate that something is wrong. When left untreated, the damage that high blood pressure does to your circulatory system is a significant factor in heart attack, stroke, and other health threats.

The best ways to protect yourself are being aware of the risks involved and making small changes in your diet and daily activities.

What is normal and high blood pressure?

Blood pressure refers to the force of the body’s blood pushing against the inner walls of the blood vessels, especially the arteries. Each time the heart contracts, it pumps blood into the arteries.

A blood pressure monitor measures your blood pressure. High blood pressure means the blood pressure for your body is higher than the normal standard for a person of your age. It usually signals underlying health problems and conditions.

Most of us are worried about high blood pressure and need to monitor to keep our blood pressure in check. A minority of the population has blood pressure that is too low and may need different medications.

High blood pressure is one of the top medical illnesses in Singapore as well as the United States of America. Singaporeans, and Americans, are all victims of modern society’s diet problems, where we have excess salt, sugar, and fats.

Who are People at Risk of Having High Blood Pressure?

If you have high blood pressure, you are not alone. Heart.org stated that nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure (many don’t even know they have it.) According to everydayhealth.com, monitoring blood pressure periodically is a good health practice for anyone, but it’s especially important for:

  • Anyone at risk for high blood pressure or related conditions
  • Anyone diagnosed or treated with high blood pressure/hypertension  (to evaluate the effectiveness of their medication)
  • Following up on (potentially) false readings
  • Pregnant women with preeclampsia or hypertension
  • Overweight people
  • the elderly

Due to the stress of modern society, many of us are having high blood pressure too.  

What is the ideal normal blood pressure?

Understanding blood pressure readings and what do they mean?

The ideal normal blood pressure should be below 120/80 mmHg and above 90/60 mmHg. You have high blood pressure if you are above 120/80 mmHG. You have low blood pressure if you have readings below 90/60 mmHg.

Your blood pressure doesn’t stay constant throughout the day. It is lowest when you’re sleeping, and rises when you get up and start moving about. It can also go up when you are excited, nervous or physically active.

Systolic pressure refers to the blood pressure in the arteries that results when your heart contracts or beats, pushing blood out. When your heart relaxes between beats, blood pressure in the arteries falls. This is the diastolic pressure.

What is the high blood pressure (or hypertension) limit?

The level 135 / 80 mmHg is the medical limit for high blood pressure in Singapore. If the systolic blood pressure is greater than 135 mmHg, and the diastolic blood pressure greater than 80 mmHg, you are considered diagnosed with high blood pressure.

High blood pressure can result in stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, dementia, and various serious medical conditions.

Do take note of 135 in your daily blood pressure monitoring, and consult with your doctor for medical advice. Generally, most people are around 120/80 for normal blood pressure.

Blood Pressure Monitor Chart- How to read your blood pressure reading?

Blood pressure is typically recorded as 2 numbers, typically presented as a ratio like this in all blood pressure monitor:


The top number (the higher of the two numbers shown) measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats (which is when the heart muscle contracts).


The bottom number (the lower of the two numbers) measures the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats (that is when the heart muscle is resting between beats and refilling with blood).

Blood Pressure Monitor Chart – how to read blood pressure readings?

A healthy blood pressure reading should be lower than 120/80 mmHg. Normal blood pressure is less than 120 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic (see blood pressure chart), and may vary from 90/60mmHg to 120/80mmHg in a healthy young woman.

A blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or higher indicates high blood pressure.

Blood Pressure Monitor Chart

Know Your Blood Pressure Reading Number

Monitoring your blood pressure at home can be the difference between life and death. Blood Pressure readings are crucial in identifying health issues. Diseases like obesity, kidney-failures, and heart problems are commonly linked to blood pressure fluctuation.

Ignoring these readings can put you in a serious situation. An accurate and reliable blood pressure reading is valuable to the doctor’s diagnosis since blood pressure readings have something to do with health issues.

At what number you are considered to have high blood pressure? The blood pressure monitor chart below can show you.

Blood Pressure Monitor Chart Reading Categories of Normal, Elevated, and High Readings

The five blood pressure ranges widely used by Americans or Singaporeans are:-

  • Normal BP

120/80mm Hg is the benchmark for normal blood pressure. If your numbers are within this range, your blood pressure is ideal. Continue to be active daily, and have a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables and nuts. Keep up the good work for a healthy body!

  • Elevated BP

120-129 / 80 mm Hg systolic/diastolic – at this range, your blood pressure reading is considered elevated. This is considered the zone just before you are diagnosed with medical high blood pressure (hypertension).

The good news is you are not considered in the danger zone yet, so do exercise regularly, and have less red meat, less processed food. A great exercise regime with plenty of vegetables, nuts, and seeds can help to bring you down from “elevated”.

  • Hypertension Stage 1

130-139 systolic / 80-89 mm Hg diastolic. This is when you are diagnosed with hypertension Stage 1. At this stage of high blood pressure, doctors are likely to prescribe lifestyle changes and may consider adding blood pressure medication based on your risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases (ASCVD), such as heart attack or stroke.

It is important that you adopt lifestyle changes, such as cutting back on alcohol, cigarettes, oily food, or red meat. Exercising regularly is a great step forward.

  • Hypertension Stage 2

Higher than 140 systolic / 90 mm Hg diastolic is considered Hypertension Stage 2. The doctor will usually prescribe medications to manage your blood pressure and insist on lifestyle changes. As with stage 1, simple steps are to cut down on alcohol, smoking, red meat, and oily food.

  • Hypertensive crisis

Higher than 180/120mm Hg. This requires medical attention. Do consult your doctor. If you are taking this reading at home with a home BPM, do sit down and rest for 5-10 minutes and test again to verify this abnormally high reading. If your readings are still unusually high, contact your doctor immediately. You could be experiencing a hypertensive crisis.

If your blood pressure is higher than 180/120 mm Hg and you are experiencing signs of possible organ damage such as chest pain, shortness of breath, back pain, numbness/weakness, change in vision, or difficulty speaking, do not wait to see if your pressure comes down on its own. Call 995 for Singapore ambulance services.

How Do You Manage Your Blood Pressure?

There is no specific “cure” for hypertension but there is medication to manage and reduce your risks. You should also adopt lifestyle changes to improve your conditions.

It does not need to be drastic changes such as quitting alcohol or smoking completely (though that will help a lot!) but small steps such as reducing alcohol, eating less fried stuff, cutting your smoking by a little daily.

All these small steps do not reduce your enjoyment of life but do help with your blood pressure. And small steps help to add up and leads to bigger steps. If you have no idea how to start, read on our guide now: Exercising for Seniors, Patients or Adults – Pedal Exerciser

Exercise more for healthier body and lower blood pressure

A better BP will lead to a reduction of odds of striking heart disease, stroke, kidney disease etc.

Adjust your lifestyle for healthy blood pressure:

  • Relax, chill and have more leisure to cut down on stress
  • Enjoy daily physical activity, like daily walks or sports.
  • A balanced diet full of vegetables, nuts, and seeds
  • Reduce drinking of beer, wine, spirits and etc.
  • Quit smoking or at least cut down on number of cigarettes
  • Take your medication regularly.
  • Incorporate some physical resistance training and workouts at bfgmuscle.com

Instead of relying on medication and tonics alone, please also bear in mind to cut away negative activities such as alcohol and smoking and start on basic positive activities such as exercising. You do not have to outright exercise, but take the stairs instead of a lift. A long walk instead of driving etc.

If you are living on a high storey, just take the lift to 3 or 4 floors below your floor and walk the stairs up. Instead of driving all the way, walk to the bus stop or subway instead. Food and diet is the biggest contributor to your body health, including regulating your blood pressure.  

What causes blood pressure to fluctuate?

There are many reasons why blood pressure fluctuates. It may trigger many possibilities. Some of which are diseases related to the heart. Stress can also trigger the fluctuation of BP. Food and drinks can also be the culprit. Chronic kidney disease can play a big role in getting your blood pressure up.

The adrenal gland (sitting on the top of the kidney) may experience fatigue that can cause the slow production of hormones necessary for organs to function. Whatever it is, blood pressure can tell your doctor a lot about your health. That is the single reason why the medical assistant or nurse gets your blood pressure reading before you even face the doctor.

Things to avoid to maintain Blood Pressure to Normal

Blood pressure can tell your doctor a lot about your health. That is the single reason why the medical assistant or nurse gets your blood pressure reading before you even face the doctor.

Blood pressure is the reading of the force the blood flow in your system. Changes in blood pressure connected to many health issues. Some of these are:

  • Excessive Physical and mental activity

Exercises and sports can spike up your blood pressure since it makes the heart work fast for the supply of oxygen transport by the blood.  Ironically, even the lack of physical activity can also make your blood pressure go up dramatically.

  • Stress
Stress, unhealthy lifestyle, emotional and mental fatigue leads to unhealthy and bad blood pressure

Emotions and mental fatigue can trigger your blood pressure. It can take a toll to even worse, such as cardiovascular disease.

  • Medicine/Street Drugs

There are over-the-counter medicines that can make your blood pressure go up. Some of these are amphetamines, cocaine, and other antidepressants.

  • Food and Drinks

Even the food and drinks you take can contribute a lot to your blood pressure reading. Alcohol and caffeine can make your heart pump more blood. Spicy and fermented food can also make your blood pressure up.

  • Smoking

Besides the carcinogenic substance found in the cigarette, nicotine can raise your blood pressure and heart rate too. It also narrows your arteries and hardens their walls, making the blood clots.

  • Not Monitoring your ideal weight

Obesity can also trigger blood pressure fluctuation. This makes the bodywork double time in terms of supplying blood, does making the blood pressure fluctuate. Considering these risks mentioned, monitoring your blood pressure even at home is crucial.

Including a home kit monitor in your first aid kit is highly advisable, especially for people that have health issues.

What Food to Eat if you have High Blood Pressure?

For people with high blood pressure, you can consider a heart-healthy diet:-

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Whole grains (wholegrain bread instead of white bread)
  • low-fat dairy products (cheese, milk, etc)
  • Poultry (chicken, duck, etc)
  • Fish and seafood
  • Beans and peas
  • Nuts and Seeds
Low Glycemic food for healthier living, better blood pressure

Do eat more vegetables, nuts, and fruits for a healthier body. This will help you not just for blood pressure but for a more wholesome healthy you. Avoid meat, eat more leafy vegetables.

If you eat meat, at least avoid red meat (such as beef, lamb, pork) and eat more white meat (poultry like chicken or duck, fish, etc)You should not eat these foods that will lead to hypertension:

  • sweet food
  • sugar-sweetened beverages such as sweetened tea or coffee
  • salty food (such as potato chips)
  • Red meats.

Guide to measuring your Blood Pressure Level with a BPM

  To take full advantage of the accuracy of the device, always remember the following guides in taking up your blood pressure reading.

  • Measure your blood pressure twice daily

The first measurement should be in the morning before taking a meal or medication. The second should be in the evening. For every measure, take two or three readings just for accuracy. Some doctors may recommend

  • Always read the posture and cuff guides of the device

When you follow the posture and cuff guide (which comes with the product), the readings are more accurate. Check the manual guide which it talks about the sitting position and the resting position of the wrist and the arms.

  • Check the battery of the monitor.

Most of the issues of digital monitors are battery-related. Put them out if the device is not in use to avoid a leak. Always go for a trusted brand of AAA alkaline battery.

  • Always record your reading.

Despite having 30 memory storage for BP readings, it is still better to record your readings manually. This notebook should come in handy in case you need them anytime.

  • Seek medical advice for a schedule of blood pressure monitoring at home.

There are instances that doctors might ask you to measure your BP more than twice. Doctors know better in terms of scheduling blood pressure monitors. Of course, it’s a no-brainer that the more serious the health case is, the more BP readings you need to make. 

Blood Pressure Monitors for Home / Office uses

Measuring with digital blood pressure machine at home or office

Anyone can measure your own blood pressure at home with a digital blood pressure monitor that can be purchased at pharmacies, health care stores, etc. Read the instructions carefully. You may wish to calibrate your reading with your family doctor. However, that is usually not needed as almost all commercial units come calibrated.

The proper time to take the measurement is when you are at rest. Please refrain from any physical activities 30 minutes before each measurement. These will help to ensure the accuracy of your reading:

  • Sit in a comfortable position
  • Place your LEFT arm, raised to the level of your heart, on a table or desk, and sit still (take note that the left arm is preferred as your heart is positioned at the left center of your body)
  • Wrap the cuff of the blood pressure monitor smoothly and snugly around the upper part of your bare arm

How to read Blood Pressure Monitor at Home?

Singapore’s Health Promotion Board recommends home monitoring for all people with high blood pressure to help the healthcare provider determine whether treatments are working. Home monitoring (self-measured blood pressure) is not a substitute for regular visits to your physician.

If you have been prescribed medication to lower your blood pressure, don’t stop taking your medication without consulting your doctor, even if your blood pressure readings are in the normal range during home monitoring.

How to measure or read blood pressure monitor accurately? Step by step on measuring your pressure.

Do the following steps so that you can measure your blood pressure accurately with your own home kit blood pressure monitors at home or in the office.

  1. Find a comfortable chair with good back support to sit at a table.
  2. Sit quietly for 3 to 5 minutes to relax.
  3. Place your feet flat on the floor and rest your arm on a tabletop with your arm at an even level with your heart (chest area).
  4. Lean against the back of the chair.
  5. Stretch out your arm, palm upward, place the cuff on your bare upper arm, 3cm above the bend of your elbow.
  6. Make sure the blood pressure monitor tubing falls over the front centre of your arm, so the sensor is correctly on top.
  7. Pull the end of the cuff so that it is evenly tight around your arm.
  8. It should be tight enough so that only 2 fingertips can slip in under the top edge of the cuff.
  9. Make sure your skin does not pitch when the cuff starts to inflate.
  10. Press start on your digital monitor.
  11. Be still and quiet as the digital monitor inflate air into the cuff and deflates to take your blood measurement.
  12. Write down the measurement numbers on your chart or journal.
  13. If you want to retake your measurement, please wait for 1-3 minutes before trying again.

You can refer to this photo when taking blood pressure at home or at the office.

How to sit properly when measuring your blood pressure accurately at home


  1. Be still and calm.
  2. Sit correctly.
  3. Measure at a similar time every day.
  4. Take multiple readings and record the results.
  5. Don’t take the measurement over clothes.
  • Be still and calm.

No caffeinated drinks, no smoking nor exercising 30 minutes before taking your readings. Do visit the toilet 30 minutes before the readings and have a calm, quiet, and relaxing seat for about 5 minutes just before measuring.

  • Sit correctly. 

Sit with your back straight and supported (on a chair, rather than a sofa). Do not cross your legs and lay your feet flat on the floor.

Your arm should be supported on a flat table, with the upper arm at heart level. Make sure the bottom of the cuff is placed directly above the bend of the elbow. Check your monitor’s instructions for graphic instructions, or refer to the youtube video below.

  • Measure at a similar time every day.

As our body changes from morning to night, you should take the readings at similar timing each day so that comparing these readings over days and weeks can be more consistent. 

Do take readings just before starting treatment or lifestyle changes, and monitor for 2 weeks.

  • Take multiple readings and record the results.

You should take two or three readings one minute apart and record the results on paper or digitally. If your blood pressure monitor has built-in memory to store your readings, take it with you to your appointments.

Some monitors may also allow you to upload your reading records too.

  • Don’t take the measurement over clothes.

Do not take blood pressure readings with the cuff over your clothing (such as the sleeves of your shirt) because the extra cloth will act as a barrier. The reading will be less accurate.

Why is my blood pressure fluctuating? Is my BPM faulty?

Researchers from the “Center for Health Research and Rural Advocacy at Geisinger Health System” in Pennsylvania have found that time of day and time of year can influence blood pressure readings by as much as 40%. Not a surprise if your blood pressure varies more than 20mm within the same day.

Your blood pressure varies throughout the day

it is normal for your blood pressure to vary throughout the day and night. It also varies depending on the environment where you measure your blood pressure. Many things, such as stress levels, food or drink intake, activity levels, even time of day can all affect a person’s blood pressure reading at any given time.

In fact, there are published studies that show a given person’s blood pressure can change by up to 20mm within a day, based on activity levels, food/drink intake, stress, etc.

Your BP fluctuates with emotions and physical activities

Doctors have also found that blood pressure also fluctuates with physical activity and emotional state, it would be better if you can measure your blood pressure at the same time every day, under resting conditions and on more than one occasion.

This will allow the results to be comparatively easier. Do not worry about any single measurement. Do take measurements every day, at around the same time, and observe one’s own blood pressure trend. This will allow you to understand your daily fluctuation cycle & many other factors.

Do not be alarmed if your blood pressure machines seem erratic. Firstly, Do make sure you read the instructions thoroughly. If need to, you can refer to some Youtube clips.

Do make sure your blood pressure machine is from a trusted brand. Most of the highly reputed brands of blood pressure machines are established brand names from Japan or Europe. Secondly, ensure that the products you bought are from Authorised Dealers, beware of fakes. Authorized Dealers means that you can have peace of mind as any errors can be solved by re-calibrating by the brand staff in their customer service offices.

Which Arm to Measure Blood Pressure? Right or Left?

The short summary is both arms are fine as the difference is not significant. Though many doctors prefer the left arm as it is nearer to your heart which is located at your left side of the chest.

The difference between the right or left arm is not significant, however, if you do measure a difference of more than 10 mm Hg for either your top number (systolic pressure) or the bottom number (diastolic), there may be an issue in one of the arms.

It could be blocked arteries in the arms, diabetes or other health problem. If this difference is significant and persists, do check with a doctor.

Wrist vs Upper Arm Cuff’s Blood Pressure Monitor, Which One is Better?

The upper arm cuff is more accurate than wrist monitors. However, wrist blood pressure monitors can be accurate if used correctly. The upper arm cuff is easier to handle correctly, while wrist devices are more difficult to use therefore the more inaccurate results.

Wrist Monitors: The wrist must be the same level as arm

When taking your blood pressure with a wrist monitor, your arm and wrist must be at heart level. If not, it will be less accurate.

Blood pressure measurements taken at the wrist are usually higher and less accurate than those taken at your upper arm. That’s because the wrist arteries are narrower and not as deep under your skin as those of the upper arm.

Who should use Wrist monitors?

There are some people for which measuring blood pressure at the wrist presents an advantage:

  • people who are so obese that an arm cuff cannot be properly wrapped around their arm. (However, we do think a large arm cuff will be better)
  • people with a large arm or find blood pressure measurements painful.
  • Women who have undergone breast cancer surgery.

If you are not the above, please stick to normal upper arm cuff blood pressure monitors for ease of use and better accuracy.

Bring your wrist monitor if you visit a doctor

It’s common for blood pressure readings taken at home on any type of monitor to be different from those taken at your doctor’s office. If you have a wrist monitor, it’s a good idea to take your monitor to a doctor’s appointment. Your doctor can then check your blood pressure with both a standard upper arm monitor and a wrist monitor in the correct position in the same arm to check your wrist blood pressure monitor’s accuracy. Also, make sure to use a proper authentic brand for your health. Bottom line: Do use an upper cuff arm monitor if possible for great accuracy.  

What Is The Most Accurate Blood Pressure Monitor Recommended for Home Use?

We have reviewed many brands of blood pressure in Singapore, such as Tensoval Mobil, Rossmax, Omron, and other cheap blood pressure monitor brands.

  • Omron
  • Rossmax
  • Yuwell
  • Tensoval Mobil
  • Nissei
  • Microlife

According to medicalnewstoday.com, Omron is one of the most established brands in the home blood pressure (BP) monitor market. 

Omron is one of the first names doctors recommend to patients who are considering purchasing their own BP monitor, which would seem to justify their “#1 Doctor Recommended Brand” strapline. To take a reading, all the user needs to do is attach the cuff to their upper arm and hit the big, blue button.

As well as displaying your blood pressure, the machine will display stats on your pulse and even identify whether you have an irregular heartbeat.

Why Omron is recommended for the Best Blood Pressure Monitor?

One of the biggest reasons is doctors in Singapore tend to prefer Omron for its accuracy and ease of use. Most hospitals do use their higher-grade products and doctors find the home monitors close to the hospital grade.

  Omron is both crowned for having the Best Overall and Best Bluetooth features. Omron’s reputation for high-quality, reasonably-priced, and accurate products has made it an established leader in the home blood pressure monitor category for decades. Its 10 Series Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor continues the tradition of excellence. This monitor earns the best overall ranking for its excellent features, performance, ease of use, and overall value.  

Why OMRON blood pressure monitors are considered the best for home BP Monitoring?

For decades, doctors and experts in the health and wellness field suggest the use of OMRON Blood Pressure Monitors (BPM). In independent research, the brand Omron tops the best overall blood pressure monitor you can have at home.

There are a few general reasons why it is so: accuracy and user-friendly.

In general, what makes the Omron Blood pressure monitors stand out among other brand are the following advanced features:

All OMRON BP Monitors are clinically validated

Manufacturers want to ensure the accuracy of the OMRON BP monitors. To understand more of the accuracy of digital blood pressure monitors, you need to contact the manufacturers.

Omron BP Monitors comes with IntelliSense Technology

The featured IntelliSense Technology of the monitors enables them to adjust to the user’s arm or wrist. This means that there is no need to adjust the cuff manually since the machine will do that for you. This is very good, especially for hypertensive patients. IntelliSense Technology reduces the significant amount of error to improve the level of accuracy.

Most of the Omron BP Monitors come with IntelliWrap Cuff

If you are one of the many people who are not fond of reading manuals, IntelliWrap Cuff comes to the rescue. It snaps easily anywhere around your arm or wrist and still gives you accurate readings.

Omron BP Monitors detect an irregular heartbeat

Whenever the digital monitor detects an irregular heartbeat, it suggests whether or not you need to repeat to take another reading.

Omron BP monitors have reading storage

Another helpful feature of the Omron BP Monitors is the ability to store memory of the readings. Some of them can even store up to 90 readings.

Types of OMRON Blood Pressure Monitors and individual features

Upper Arm BPM

1. HEM-7120 (#1 sold in Singapore)

The HEM-7120 blood pressure monitor is a great idea for those who just need a fuss-free and basic measuring device. This is on track to be the bestseller for 2023 due to the basic no-frills functions and great low price that is unaffected by inflation and increase in GST.

It’s recommended for those who are wondering what the easiest blood pressure monitor for home use is!

2. HEM-7121 

The HEM-7121 is largely similar to the 7120, but it takes the technology a step further with 30 measurements instead of just the last measurement. This model has been the best seller in Singapore for the past few years.

It is by far one of the most popular models because of its affordability, accuracy, and reliability.

3. HEM-7600T Smart Elite Tubeless Wireless BPM 

HEM-7600T uses the newest tubeless technology to give you an easy one-touch measurement experience. One of the best premium wireless blood pressure monitors you can buy, is recommended if you are willing to splurge for health monitoring.

This uniquely designed blood pressure monitor should be easy to use – simply snap it onto your upper arm quickly. You can also sync it to Omron Connect using the Bluetooth-enabled function to get a comprehensive view of your health!

4. HEM-7361T (Advanced)

The HEM-7361T is an advanced digital blood pressure monitor capable of measuring blood pressure and detecting atrial fibrillation (AFIB) at the same time.

Use the Dual Check feature to assess your risk of stroke in one go. Its dual-user function is made especially for families, sending measurement data of 2 different people to your smartphone conveniently.

Early detection of AFIB is very important in preventing the risk of stroke by up to 68%. This digital monitor also allows you to detect AFIB, if any, at home and at your convenience.

Sync it to Omron Connect using Bluetooth to sync your data effortlessly. If you like blood pressure monitoring that is fuss-free and of the highest standard, go for this premium model.

5. JPN500 (100% Assembled in Japan)

The JPN500 is 100% made and assembled in Japan and features a classy golden unique look.

It is a higher-end mode and has most of the other features of blood pressure monitors to give users a fuss-free and still accurate monitoring experience.

6. HEM-7130L Deluxe (Best value for money 2023!)

HEM 7130L is a deluxe model that also comes with a wide-range soft cuff that fits. This model is currently the best value for money because it is a premium model with a price reduction for 2023!

It enables users to take their blood pressure with ease. Apart from the usual outstanding features, it can also show the average of the last 3 readings within 10 minutes for a better assessment of your health.

7. HEM-6161 Wrist Blood Pressure Machine

The HEM 6161 blood pressure monitor is a wrist blood pressure monitor that is ideal for those who are constantly outdoors.

It is a basic model that is similar to the 7120 upper arm blood pressure monitor. The pre-formed cuff to the monitor makes it easy to strap on and go with accurate measurements.

Difference between Omron Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor to other BP Monitors?

The main differences between using wrist blood pressure machines vs using the usual arm band blood pressure monitors are :- accuracy, portability, ease of use.

Hospital Arm BP monitors VS Omron Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor Omron Wrist Blood HEM-6161 does not require skill in getting the blood pressure reading.

However, compared to the hospital monitors, there is a tendency that the HEM-6161 has higher readings.

The advantage of the HEM-6161 is the portability. It is better to have a small, mobile portable wrist blood pressure machine than not having one at ease to measure wherever you are at work, or when travelling.

Manual BP monitors VS Omron Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor

Most of the doctors recommend digital blood pressure monitors like the Omron HEM-6161. It is because digital monitors are easier to use than the manual, which requires users to have professional knowledge.

Buy only from Legitimate and Official OMRON Distributor

Never patronize imitation products of Omron Blood Pressure Monitor. There are bogus websites that sell fake Omron brands. Remember, your health is more important than a few discounts. SeniorCare is the official and legitimate website out there online that sells this product. They safeguard consumers by providing a warranty of Omron Products.

Comparison of different Omron models of blood pressure monitors- functions and capabilities

There are many large global brands like Omron, Rossmax, Tenosoval Mobile, etc. One of the most reliable global brands worldwide is Omron Healthcare, and Omron provides blood pressure monitors to hospitals, clinics and sells to the general public as well. Due to a huge variety of models, many consumers may be confused about different models.

Comparisons of different models for Omron Blood Pressure Monitors

We noted recently there are many made-in-China blood pressure monitors, given that Taobao, Ezbuy, Lazada makes it easy for us to buy foreign Chinese goods. Unfortunately, the quality is sub-par and not monitored by Singapore’s HSA (Health Science Agency)

Do note that there are many merchants that are parallel importing blood pressure monitors with no government approvals. Hence, they are not responsible for minor defects and quality lapses. Only authorized dealers have warranty coverage and calibration offers to re-calibrate your blood pressure monitors.

These are the reason why the government regulates the import and sales of blood pressure monitors. You may want to get the latest and most value-for-money model from established blood pressure monitors from Authorised dealers in Singapore.

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